Monday, January 3, 2011

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Do List:

1. Change the font of the words which appear under the title
2. Decide on a color scheme: I like black and pink as well as blue
3. Divined By, Divyned By, Divyned By, Dyvned By D-Vyned By
4. Perhaps come up with a better tag line than where the wild thing is
5. Private conversation could be: Luxe Confidential, Hush-Hush Luxe, Intimate Conversation
6. Perhaps do something with Exclusive, Reserved, Secret, That's Classified
7. In All Seriousness: Documenting My Style or Documenting my Addictions
8. In All Seriousness became Luxe Defyned.
9. Luxe Confidential should be reserved for something else
10. Through an onyx and fantasy meet
11. Where the Wild Thing is or Onyx Wonderland
12. Links to this post or Red Threads of Fate
13. Living in a Candy Confection Haze of Glitter and Daydreams went back to Glitter and Glamour

Friday, July 23, 2010

(Practice) Introductions

Face Paint = makeup
Swagger Like Us = friends/other bloggers
Lacquer = makeup
Adornments = accessories
Midnight Cashmere = hair
Talons = nails
The Empress' New Robes = Clothes
War Paint = what I wear to go out for special occassions
Ditto's = Extra Stuff
That's Gorgeous = awesome
Dearest = fans

I make no apologies or promises. I am myself and quite proud of it. I have a love affair with makeup and have been known to wear too much jewelry. Long lashes are my signature and I'm never one thing for too long. Curved by desire, I think life is most fun when it's complicated, excessive and just a tiny bit crazy.

If you can handle it, try to keep up.

I'm a shiny pretty thing

Unique doesn't quite cover it

Naughty Little Lamb

LuxeSquared = awesome
That's the ideal = that's the plan

Glitz. Glitter. Glamour. Gold. Shine. Shimmer. Luscious. BOLD.

        Jaw-Dropping. 2-Shocking. Delicious & Wild. Captivating. Liberating. Fascinate My Eye. Tease Me. Tempt Me. Make me Gasp. Steal My Breath. Rock My World. Tantalize My Mind  * Don't * Stop * Never * Enough * very Luxe

'Lo Lovelies
Hello Ladies

I'm a self-made woman who's taught herself everything I know about fashion, style, skin-care, makeup, and etc. But I'm no expert and if there's one thing the journey's taught it it's that there's always more to learn and it's never too late to become a

But I'm no expert/master

there's always more to learn

It's never too late to become a

I started this fashion blog because I felt like I had something positive to share. I wanted to explore myself as well as hopefully inspire others. I

wanted to help and maybe

My goals are to explore fashion, makeup, and just to have fun.

My fashion blog goal is to explore fashion, makeup, and just to have fun. I make no apologies or promises.

To explore fashion, makeup and just to have fun. I make no apologies or promises. Expect to be entertained at the very least.

Life is an adventure to me, dressing up to be a little different everyday is half the fun

dressing up is a fresh opportunity to be someone different everyday      to re-invent yourself and pretend.

Style schizophrenia    and I'm never one thing for too long. I like to re-invent myself 

I make no apologies or promises. I am myself and quite proud of it. I have a love affair with makeup and have been known to wear too much jewelry. Long lashes are my signature and I'm never one thing for too long. Curved by desire, I think life is most fun when it's complicated, excessive and just a tiny bit crazy.

Can you handle it?

Makeup = lacquer
clothes = ?
accessoies = adornments
hair = midnight cashmere, silky black satin
Shiny Pretty Thing

I think we're going to have a lot of fun. 

Bye Dolls

Pretty Wicked, 
Today, Tommorrow, Always

Spoiled Rotton

Face Paint

Swagger Like Us

Luscious LOcks, Ebony, Le Locks Divine


Pretty Please
Couture Vixen